To mark World Restart a Heart day (Friday, 16th October), Chris Tancock from local first-aid initiative Pint of Life is hosting two free first aid sessions via Zoom.
Robert said: "I have hosted one of Chris' sessions in the past and am hugely supportive of everything Pint of Life does to teach life-saving skills to local communities in an accessible and innovative way. Please do consider joining a session this Friday if you are able."
The details for the sessions are below - and visit Pint of Life's Facebook page here for further information.
Session 1: 16.00-16.45: Zoom link - elsevier.zoom.us/j/96363702196?pwd=RUgwK21QdjQxR2VkTnlJVGVuNGpwZz09
Session 2: 18.00-18.45: Zoom link - elsevier.zoom.us/j/98319716637?pwd=SFQwQUhFV1FvRHhnVjhhOXFKdTlnUT09